
Event Recap: Jakarta Fashion Week

November 22, 2012

To those who has followed me on Instagram might know that I went to Jakarta Fashion Week a few weeks ago. I went for Lee Cooper and Hengki Kawilarang show. Lee Cooper gives a simple yet sophisticated ready-to-wear show. Oops, forgot to tell you I took some pictures from upstairs too during UROCKS show before I went for dinner at Pepperlunch. I got Hengki Kawilarang invitation from my fashion school, Bunka. Anyway it was crowded and full of Indonesian socialites and celebs like KD and Syahrini. The collection is amazing, full of glitters and glam. Unfortunately, SLR cameras are prohibited for Hengki Kawilarang fashion show(deeply sorry for the low quality of pictures since I took it with a digital camera)

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