
Restaurant Review: Bakerzin

December 28, 2012

Bakerzin is a nice and comfy restaurant to chill with your friends. I've tried many of their main courses and desserts, too bad I only have few of the food pics. The baileys irish cream souffle, vanilla creme brulee and red velvet are delicious. The chicken wings are okay, I mean.. normal. I do not recommend you this chicken wing dish. I recommend their salmon steak and sirloin steak. You don't like steak? Try their chicken cutlet with potatoes then. The service was excellent except.. when I was at Mall Kelapa Gading's Bakerzin, they took so long to prepare the macaroons. Like seriously? Dude, you don't need to cook it. You just have to put it on the plate and give it to us. Anyway, it is always crowded on weekend so try going here on weekdays.

Food - 4/5
Place - 4/5
Price - $$$
Service - 4/5


-Cilandak Town Square
Jl. T.B. Simatupang Kav 17 Jakarta Selatan 12430  Ph: 021.7592 0250 -  Fax: 021.7592 0251

-Mall Kelapa Gading 3 Level 1
Jl. Bulevar Kelapa Gading Blok M Jakarta 14240 Ph: 021.45853905 - Fax: 021.45853906

-Plaza Senayan Level 2
Jl. Asia Afrika No. 8 Gelora Bung Karno-senayan Jakarta 10270 Ph: 021.5790 0408 -  Fax: 021.5790 0409

-Pondok Indah Mall 2 Level 3
Jl. Metro Pondok Indah
Jakarta 12310 Ph: 021.7592 0788 - Fax: 021.7592 0789

-Plaza Indonesia Level 1
Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 28 – 30 Jakarta 10350 Ph: 021.29923719 Fax: 021.29923715
-Central Park Mall, Level GF 
Ph: 021.29200195

For more locations visit their website: http://www.bakerzin.co.id/outlet.php

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