
Indonesia Fashion Week

March 01, 2014

Hello guys, for today's post I decided to write both in English and Bahasa because today's post will be about Indonesia Fashion Week! Okay, I know it's kinda irrelevant but whatever. I just feel like doing it. haha.

I'm sure most of you know that an epic event has just ended. Yup, it's Indonesia Fashion Week 2014. If you have been following my blog since last year, I bet you knew that I also went to Indonesia Fashion Week 2013. To see my post about Indonesia Fashion Week 2013, click here! I'm so honored and grateful to be chosen as one of the bloggers once again for IFW2014. Thank you, Indonesia Fashion Week. But due to my college stuffs, I was only able to attend the event on Thursday and Saturday. I wanted to go on Sunday, but my driver didn't come so yeah. Anyway, the event was a blast and I had fun. I met a lot of new people, new fashion friends, bloggers, and met my old colleagues as well as old friends who I haven't met for a long time. It was such a wonderful experience, despite the cold that tingles all over my skin. Really, it was so cold and I sat just below where the air conditioner blows. Unlucky me. Well, I have no choice since the press/photographer area is fully packed with other photographers and bloggers. Nevertheless, Indonesia Fashion Week 2014 is uhhh-mazing.

Aku yakin kebanyakan dari kalian pasti tau dong event yang baru aja selesai. Yup, event itu adalah Indonesia Fashion Week 2014. Nah jika kalian mengikuti atau membaca blog aku sejak tahun lalu, kalian seharusnya tau dong kalau aku juga datang ke Indonesia Fashion Week 2013(Klik disini untuk melihat post aku tentang Indonesia Fashion Week 2013!). Aku sangat senang dan berterima kasih telah diberi kesempatan lagi untuk menjadi salah satu dari bloggers yang di pilih untuk IFW2014. Sayangnya, karena kegiatan kuliah, aku hanya bisa datang di hari Kamis dan Sabtu. Aku pingin datang di hari Minggu, tapi supir aku gak masuk haha jadi yah gitu deh. :p Anyway, event nya bagus, seru dan aku senang. Aku dapat bertemu dengan banyak orang baru, kenalan dengan teman baru, bloggers, dan ketemu temen-temen lama aku yang udah lama banget ga ketemu. Bener bener pengalaman yang seru dan tidak terlupakan walaopun dengan dingin yang menyelinap ke seluruh kulitku. Serius deh, di tempat duduk press dingin banget dan aku duduk pas di bawah air con. Aku juga ga punya pilihan lain sih soalnya tempat press area penuh banget sama photographer dan blogger lain. Nevertheless, Indonesia Fashion Week 2014 was amaziiiiiing!

IFW2013, yup last year's Indonesia Fashion Week.

Closing of Lenny Agustin's show
Lenny Agustin show is dominated by colorful colors that is playful and youthful. Even the models were using colorful bun on their head with colorful shoes. It is so eccentric yet fun.
I still have some pictures for other shows but it's with my friend so for now, I could only give you this show. Will update more soon.

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